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Meanings and definitions for FIDO
What does FIDO stand for? What does FIDO mean?
- Fido refers to:
== Dogs ==
Fido (dog), a famous dog and symbol of loyalty
Fido (Lincoln dog), favorite dog of Abraham Lincoln
== Art, entertainment, and media ==
=== Fictional character ===
Fido Dido, a cartoon character associated with the soft drink 7-Up
=== Film ===
Fido (film), a Canadian comedy about a zombie named "Fido"
=== Music ===
Fido (band), a punk/rock band from Melbourne, Australia
Fido, one half of Alexis & Fido, a reggaeton duo
=== Visual art ===
Fairfield Industrial Dog Object, or Fido, a sculpture in Fairfield, Victoria, Australia
== People ==
Beata Fido (born 1967), Polish actress
== Internet and communication ==
FIDO Alliance, an industry consortium working on internet authentication mechanisms, including the U2F protocol for two-factor authentication.
- Fido (dog), a famous dog and symbol of loyalty
- Fido (Lincoln dog), favorite dog of Abraham Lincoln
- Fido Dido, a cartoon character associated with the soft drink 7-Up
- Fido (film), a Canadian comedy about a zombie named "Fido"
- Fido (band), a punk/rock band from Melbourne, Australia
- Fido, one half of Alexis & Fido, a reggaeton duo
- Fairfield Industrial Dog Object, or Fido, a sculpture in Fairfield, Victoria, Australia
- Beata Fido (born 1967), Polish actress
- FIDO Alliance, an industry consortium working on internet authentication mechanisms, including the U2F protocol for two-factor authentication.
- Fido Solutions, a Canadian cellular, home phone and Internet provider
- FidoNet, a worldwide bulletin board system computer network, related to the FIDO bulletin board software package.
- A microcontroller version of the Freescale ColdFire (part of the Motorola 68000 series)
- .fido a type of Cineon Graphics Data file format.
- Fido Explosives Detector, a portable explosives detector
- Fire Direction Officer or FDO, the third ranking officer in a US artillery battery
- Flight Dynamics Officer, a position in ground control of space missions
- Fog Investigation and Dispersal Operation, a fog dispersal system developed in the Second World War
- Mark 24 Mine or FIDO, a U.S. acoustic homing torpedo used during World War II
- Roger Grosjean, an MI5 double agent (codename Fido) in World War II
- Field Integrated Design (and) Operations (rover), vehicle designed by the JPL for the NASA mars program
- FInite DOmain
- FInite DOmains. A constraint language implemented on top of Prolog.
- Flame Ionization Detector Optimization
- Fog Investigation Dispersal Operation
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